Pablo Rey and Anna Callau = viajeros4x4x4

Pablo Rey (Buenos Aires) and Anna Callau (Barcelona), also known as #viajeros4x4x4, have been overlanding the world non stop during the last 18 years on a 4WD van. They mastered the art of solving problems […]

309- Get Lost | story for OUTDOORX4 MAGAZINE

‘I’d love to write about certain islands or remote places where we’ve been during the last 15 years on the road,’ I told him. ‘But I’m afraid they could get lost too. They should be protected from outsiders.’

295- Por las Rutas del MÉXICO Narco | OVERLAND JOURNAL

Hay que romper los planes y dejar un espacio libre a la espontaneidad, a la sorpresa. Tirar los dados, que el caos encuentre un orden, y caer de pie, otra vez, como un gato viejo que ya perdió la cuenta de las veces que salvó su vida.
