Pablo Rey and Anna Callau = viajeros4x4x4
Pablo Rey (Buenos Aires) and Anna Callau (Barcelona), also known as #viajeros4x4x4, have been overlanding the world non stop during the last 18 years on a 4WD van. They mastered the art of solving problems (breakdowns and police harassment, between them) in far away places, while enjoying their nomadic lifestyle.
They’ve been 3 years driving through Africa, between Cairo and Cape Town; 7 years all around South America, and 9 years going to every corner of Central and North America. They crossed the Southern Atlantic Ocean in a fishing vessel, descended an Amazon river in a 6 log wooden raft, and walked with a swiss knife between elephants in wild Africa. On the last years they started to travel by foot (Pyrenees mountains coast to coast, 2 months) and motorbike (Asia), with the smallest lugagge possible. Pablo also crossed the Darien Gap by foot in 2020.
Pablo has written three books, many articles to magazines like Overland Journal and Lonely Planet and both are in the short list of the most respected latino overlanders.
When will the journey end? The journey does not end, the journey is life.

“The Book of Independence works its magic like a bellows on the embers of wanderlust, inspiring us to break away from the norm, to slow down and smell the proverbial roses… or cow or elephant dung. It’s not about what you’ll do after you retire, it’s about what you do before you die.”
Chris Collard, Chief Editor, Overland Journal Magazine
“They’re intent on completing their round the world trip in 10 years and, possibly, to invent whatever excuse afterwards to remain in motion”
Lonely Planet Magazine
Pablo Rey (Buenos Aires) and Anna Callau (Barcelona) also known as #viajeros4x4x4, have been overlanding the world non stop since 2000 on a 4WD Delica van. They mastered the art of solving problems (breakdowns and police harassment, between them) in far away places, while enjoying their nomadic lifestyle.
They’ve been 3 years driving through Middle East and Africa, between Cairo and Cape Town; 7 years all around South America, and 7 years going to every corner of Central and North America. They crossed the Southern Atlantic Ocean in a fishing vessel, descended an Amazon river in a 6 log wooden raft, and walked with a swiss knife between elephants in wild Africa. On the last two years they started to travel by foot (Pyrenees mountains coast to coast, two months) and motorbike (Asia), with the smallest lugagge possible.
Pablo has written three books in Spanish (one translated in English), many articles to magazines like Overland Journal and Lonely Planet and both are in the short list of the most respected latino overlanders.
¿When will the journey end? It doesn’t end, the journey is life itself.