323- Pablo and Anna Comic Strip, Season 01
Would you like to became a comic strip character? I’ve read your books, and I’m sure you’ll have a lot of funny stories to share. We loved the idea!
Would you like to became a comic strip character? I’ve read your books, and I’m sure you’ll have a lot of funny stories to share. We loved the idea!
‘I’d love to write about certain islands or remote places where we’ve been during the last 15 years on the road,’ I told him. ‘But I’m afraid they could get lost too. They should be protected from outsiders.’
I remember the look on Anna’s face like she was in front of me today. It said, ‘Drive around the world! How? With what money? Toward where? What did you hit your head against?’
On the left, red rock mountains rose over a bushy desert, a visual barrier to the cultivated valleys of corn, hemp, prickly pear, poppy, and fruit trees.
On a long overland trip, your vehicle will adopt the personality of an extra team member. You talk to it, listen to it, pat it on the backdoor, and look after it when it gets sick.
This smells like… To live in a van is to live in a very small one-room apartment. Well, sometimes too small…
Are you the guy who ordered octopus ice cream? It can be fun to commit mistakes trying to speak a new language. You always end up inventing something in a far away country.
Damn monkeez… I’m not the idiot who’s going to tell this story to the police…
Certain border crossings requires a good strategy…
Fue emocionante recibir el mensaje de Ray Hyland, responsable del evento, contándonos que habían decidido que la fiesta del sábado por la noche, la principal, sería dedicada a celebrar nuestros primeros 15 años de ruta.